Welcome to the Art Show reviews for Images: A Festival of the Arts
Art Fair: Images: A Festival of the Arts
Location: New Smyrna Beach, Florida
held in Riverside Park
Dates: January 24 - 26, 2020
Presented By: Atlantic Center for the Arts
Founded: 1976
Show Type: Outdoor
Expected Attendance: 48,000 people
Exhibiting Artists: 230
Artist Application Deadline: October 18, 2019
Jury Fee: $40
Booth Fee: $250
Web site: www.imagesartfestival.org
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Medium: Photography
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show: 2018
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: $501 - $2,000
Price Range of your Work: $30 - $695
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show:
1st time
Number of Years You have been doing Art Fairs overall: 2-3 years
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 3
Location: 5
Facilities: 5
Ease of Participating: 4
Sales: 3
Overall: 4
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Good
Estimated Attendance: Not really sure
Good Things about this Art Fair:
This is a long-established, well-run show. The artist amenities are good, they have an ambassador program that is well run, and their patron program is excellent. It was well attended but not crowded.
What could this Art Fair have done better?:
Load in was a bit chaotic. I had to wait 90 minutes for a booth sitter on Saturday, which is my only real complaint. 9am on Saturday was a little early, 10am would have been sufficient.
Advice to Other Artists Considering this Show:
This is a nice show, but it's BIG. Apparently they've expanded it quite a bit in recent years. It used to be one street, now it's two. That means it can be a really long walk from one end to the other.
There's plenty of time to set up on Friday, but I recommend getting there earlier. There were show goers and patrons out as early as 11:30 on Friday, perusing as we were setting up.
Additional Commentary on this Show:
The buying energy was a little low. It was my first time there, so I don't know if that was "normal" or not.
Show veterans didn't care for the Friday start, but that's when the buyers seemed to be out. This is a local show for me, so my expenses were low, which made it worth it.
The URL of your profile on ArtFairInsiders.com.
Posted by: Karen Kurta | 02/08/2018 at 11:22 PM
Show Name: Images, A Festival of the Arts
City and State: New Smyrna Beach, FL
Your Medium: Sculpture
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show: 2014
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: < $500
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show: 2-3 times
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 3
Location: 4
Facilities: 3
Ease of Participating: 4
Sales: 1 (poor)
Overall: 2
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Good
Estimated Attendance: Not really sure.
Good Things about this Art Fair:
*Well run by a staff that cares about the show & artists
*Very reasonable booth fee
*They have a well supported Patron's Program
*Easy set up & tear down - no micro managing
*Free parking
*Lots of fairly reasonable hotel rooms available in the area
Bad Things about this Art Fair:
*The morning set up (I hate morning set ups)
*Slow-to-no sales
Advice to Other Artists Considering this Show:
This is a well run show that I've done 3 times in the past 6 years. The booth fee is very reasonable at $250 and a corner is just $50 more. I have sold well at this show before (2011 & 2009) but this year was just awful.
The weather was very chilly for Florida and I imagine that had something to do with the light crowd. But then I usually find that people who will brave the bad weather are intent on going home with something. It just wasn't any of my artwork this year. The awards dinner was pretty good food-wise and this show has good award money.
They had the show open on Friday afternoon which I normally enjoy but with the cold weather and morning set up I was tired and cold and not in the mood to be chatty with the very few people who came into my booth. My neighbor (a jeweler) said he had a below average show and several other artist I spoke with (MM 3D) said their sales were terrible compared to past years.
Posted by: Jennifer Ivory | 02/24/2014 at 03:16 PM