Welcome to the Art Show reviews for Naperville Women's Fine Art & Artisan Fair
Art Fair: Naperville Fine Art Fair & Artisan Fair
Location: Naperville, Illinois
Held on the grounds of the Naper Settlement
Dates: June 22 & 23, 2019
Presented By: Naperville Women's Club
Founded: 1959
Show Type: Outdoor
Expected Attendance: 20,000 - 50,000 people
Exhibiting Artists: 100
Artist Application Deadline: March 4, 2019
Jury Fee: $30
Booth Fee: $300
Web site: www.napervillewomansclub.org
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Medium: Photography
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show: 2018
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: < $500
Price Range of your Work: $10 to $350
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show:
1st time
Number of Years You have been doing Art Fairs overall: 2-3 years
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 4
Location: 4
Facilities: 5
Ease of Participating: 4
Sales: 1
Overall: 3
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Poor
Estimated Attendance: 10,001 - 50,000 people
Good Things about this Art Fair:
Very organized. They resolved the comments from the prior year about bottlenecks for load in and out. We could drive to our booth for unloading and loading (with designated times for check in).
Volunteers made regular rounds for water, and committee chairs checked in several times with us to see how things were going.
Communication throughout the process was excellent, regarding booth assignment, timing, process in general.
What could this Art Fair have done better?:
There were a few buyers there, but not a lot of big ticket items going out. One artist across from us had a pretty good day, but others not so much. Those who had been exhibiting here for years said that sales were down. Not sure why - the weather cooperated beautifully.
Advice to Other Artists Considering this Show:
This is a well-run show with a very hospitable and dedicated committee. The settlement grounds are beautiful and booths are locked in the grounds at night with good security.
Booth fees are reasonable. There is quite a bit of seating around the music, and some fair patrons just come and sit. Sales are a little bit of a crap shoot - they were not there this year, but have been in previous years.
The URL of your profile on ArtFairInsiders.com. http://www.artfairinsiders.com/profile/MaryBritsch
Posted by: Mary Britsch | 07/31/2018 at 08:50 PM
Medium: Wood
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show: 2017
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: $501 - $2,000
Price Range of your Work: $35 - $300
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show:
1st time
Number of Years You have been doing Art Fairs overall: 2-3 years
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 4
Location: 4
Facilities: 4
Ease of Participating: 3
Sales: 3
Overall: 3
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Poor
Estimated Attendance: 501 - 10,000 people
Good Things about this Art Fair:
Location seemed to be really good. Well attended with good weather.
What could this Art Fair have done better?:
Could have allowed exhibitors to arrive at varied times so that everyone was not trying to get to their respective location all at once. I had to haul my bins over new sod for about a block to get to my space.
Advice to Other Artists Considering this Show:
Be prepared to park a fair distance away from your assigned space and haul your tent and work.
Additional Commentary on this Show:
The following information was posted on the blog: I attended this art fair June 24-25, 2017. The show was well attended but disappointing with respect to sales. It cost $300 to enter the show and I only did $640 in sales...hardly worth the transportation cost, etc.
There was fairly steady traffic both days and weather was great but people were not buying. None of the artists near me did much at all. I can't speak for other artists not near me but I likely will not return.
I had been told that Naperville patrons love art and were willing to purchase art work. Not so for this show.
Posted by: Don Hyson | 02/09/2018 at 11:57 PM
Medium: Photography
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show:
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: $501 - $2,000
Price Range of your Work: $175 to $275
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show:
3-5 times
Number of Years You have been doing Art Fairs overall: 3-5 years
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 4
Location: 5
Facilities: 5
Ease of Participating: 5
Sales: 2
Overall: 4
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Poor
Estimated Attendance: 10,001 - 50,000 people
Good Things about this Art Fair:
This is a fairly well run show in a beautiful locale. The crowd was pretty good but could have probably been better. Overall quality was high in my opinion.
Set up is available on Friday from 4:30 PM and the venue has overnight security on Friday and Saturday.
What could this Art Fair have done better?:
Booth distribution was uneven, with half distributed along the paths and the rest bunched up atop each other in a grassy area. Set up in that grassy area was difficult due to access restrictions that were enforced this year.
There was a related set up bottleneck delay to vehicles which will hopefully be remedied next year.
Advice to Other Artists Considering this Show:
This is a good show to consider in the Chicago far west suburban area. It isn't cheap but not too expensive.
The URL of your profile on ArtFairInsiders.com. http://www.artfairinsiders.com/profile/BariTarmon
Posted by: Bari Tarmon | 08/22/2017 at 10:35 PM