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Jeri Vitello

Medium: Fiber
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show: 2016
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: $501 - $2000
Price Range of your Work: $55 - $235
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show: 1st time
Number of Years You have been doing Art Fairs overall: 3-5 years
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 2
Location: 4
Facilities: 5
Ease of Participating: 5
Sales: 2
Overall: 3
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Poor
Estimated Attendance: 501 - 10,000 people

Good Things about this Art Fair:
This show is part of their jury process for membership into Piedmont Craftsmen. The first step is to submit photos for jury into the show. Once accepted, you are in participant status.

While at the show a second jury looks at your work to determine membership.

The convention center is newly remodeled and very nice. Load in and load out is very organized and relatively easy. The member's work is top notch. I was very humbled to be in the presences of these fine artists.

Friday night is a patron party that was very elegant but not well attended. Saturday and Sunday's crowds were not as plentiful as I had hoped.

Bad Things about this Art Fair:
The booth fee is 645.00 and if you have a distance to travel it can be a really expensive show.

Advice to Other Artists Considering this Show: If you live within a reasonable distance of Winston Salem, this show could be worth looking into. You will be in great company and if accepted into Piedmont Craftmen you will be among some of the best work I have seen at a show. Acceptance also allows for selling in their gallery.

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