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Kate Tillman

Medium: 2D mixed media
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show:
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: $2001-$5000
Price Range of your Work: $55-$800
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show:
1st time
Number of Years You have been doing Art Fairs overall: 3-5 years
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 3
Location: 5
Facilities: 5
Ease of Participating: 4
Sales: 1
Overall: 2
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Okay
Estimated Attendance: Not really sure

Good Things about this Art Fair:
The park is great, very easy drive in set up.

The hotels in the area are very close to the show, parking is easy. Electricity with each tent!

Bad Things about this Art Fair:
Wind, it's spring, but there were some damaging gusts of wind, luckily no rain with it.

It seemed to me that people were there to see the art, not buy the art. Patrons were drinking and eating all three days. I saw a few large pieces leave, but for the amount of people, I never felt like there was any "buying energy."

The only thing that may have been an issue, was the space my tent was, sort of at the end of the show loop, but in general- we had great weather, sans a few gusts.

Great crowds, nice art. The stars just wouldn't line up.

There were also some questionable "craft booths" hand made, but just not up to par with the rest of the art there.

My neighbor was set up in an easy up, and her work was simple hand sewn skirts and dresses from re-purposed fabric. Along with strung beads.

Lots of $20 items flying off the shelves. There was some questionable small leather cuffs etc, and the occasional bird feeder.

The incline of the side hills....damn my legs hurt from standing on that.

Load out- I sat in line for an hour waiting to load out because artists that hadn't taken down their booths were being let in with vehicles.

Overall, I didn't get the feeling that the patrons had a great sense of taste.
I definitely think that traditional, brightly colored art sold better.

ALSO: The judges didn't step foot in my booth, along with the booths 2 spots to the left and 2 spots to the right of me..... It just seems that if you are going to hand out prizes, that maybe everyone should get evaluated. (oh and they scoffed at my nude dominated booth! )

Advice to Other Artists Considering this Show:
It's an easy show to do, I was really hoping that it was something to add to my schedule each year, but I don't think I'll try it again soon.

The volunteers were great.
If your work is traditional, crafty or whimsical, check it out.

Additional Commentary on this Show:
This show was definitely not all bad, but for 3 days I had hoped to do more than break even. However, from other reviews of past years, it seems like the money from this show is getting to be less and less.

See my blog on for additional commentary on this Show:
Yes, please note that on my review

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