Welcome to the Art Show reviews for Bel Air Festival of the Arts
Art Fair: Bel Air Festival of the Arts
Location: Bel Air, Maryland
Held in Shamrock Park on Hickory Avenue
Dates: September 15, 2019
Presented By: Bel Air Recreation
Founded: 1965
Show Type: Outdoor
Expected Attendance: 20,000 people
Exhibiting Artists: 350
Artist Application Deadline: Jurying begins April 15, 2017
Jury Fee: None
Booth Fee: $125 - $250
Web site: www.belairfestival.com
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Show Name: Bel Air Festival of the Arts
City and State: Bel Air, Md.
Your Medium: Painting
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show: 2013
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: < $500
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show: 1st time
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 5 (great)
Location: 5 (great)
Facilities: 4
Ease of Participating: 5 (great)
Sales: 3
Overall: 4
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Good
Estimated Attendance: *501-10,000 people
Good Things about this Art Fair:
These folks are absolutely terrific about setup and take down. The show is set up in a park in the middle of town surrounded by narrow streets making parking somewhat difficult. The organizers had so many volunteers around that helped me to unload and even set up my canopy that it took just minutes and for once I wasnt exhausted before opening. They even helped me load my car back up when it was done.
Bad Things about this Art Fair:
Lots of other vendors that are not part of the show set up all around the event on side streets and church parking lots selling items from flea market finds to hand made crafts so it's a little gauling to someone who has paid a fee for a space which contributed to the advertising which drew people to the area.
Advice to Other Artists Considering this Show:
The show is very heavy on craft. They separate fine artists booths along the perimeter but they are not separated form the show. The crowd is very enthusiastic.
Additional Commentary on this Show:
This is a one day show and the booth fee is very reasonable. I didn't sell as well as I had hoped but given that I was a last minute squeeze in and the show wasn't far from my home, I didn't leave unhappy. Also, being that I am alone at these things and setup and breakdown are very difficult, I really appreciated the awesome help that these folks provided me.
What prompted you to submit a review today?
It was a very pleasant experience
Posted by: Karen O"Lane Hahn | 01/12/2014 at 02:42 PM