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Rich Terry

Show Name: Christmas Made in the South
City and State: Augusta, GA
Your Medium: Fiber
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show: 2012
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: $501-$2000
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show:1st time
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 2
Location: 2
Facilities: 1 (poor)
Ease of Participating: 3
Sales: 2
Overall: 2
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Poor
Estimated Attendance: 501-10,000 people

Good Things about this Art Fair: The Hunts who promote this show are great to work with.

Bad Things about this Art Fair: The show is difficult to navigate on two floors. The main floor is on an Ice Rink which is covered but not very professionally. It is uneven, difficult for patrons to walk on, your feet freeze all day long. There are many homeless people posing as porters which caused problems, an arrest for crack possession in the parking lot. Augusta is just not a very good town and the James Brown Arena is not a very good venue.

Advice to Other Artists Considering this Show: Wear battery operated socks.

Additional Commentary on this Show: I received a letters from the Hunts who are looking for a new venue but they were not able to put it in place for 2013 so the show will once again be at the same place.

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