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Jan Herman

Medium: 2D mixed media
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show:2017
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: < $500
Price Range of your Work: $45 - $750
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show:
1st time
Number of Years You have been doing Art Fairs overall: 1st year
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 2
Location: 4
Facilities: 4
Ease of Participating: 2
Sales: 1
Overall: 3
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Okay
Estimated Attendance: 501-10,000 people

Good Things about this Art Fair:
This event is put on by the local art community and they tried very hard, especially Marilyn. She came around to all artists/vendors to check on everyone.

Historic downtown venue. Great classic music that fit fine art venue. An actual restroom in downtown art gallery for artists to use.

Fantastic awards breakfast Sunday morning. Awards were substantial. From my limited perspective, I believe all who received were deserving. Quality of work at the show was fantastic.

What could this Art Fair have done better?:
MAPS, SIGNS to find the way to check-in and set up locations for those not familiar with the streets.

There is only one access for load-out and vehicles were lined up. We planned ahead to park nearby and dollied out.

Advice to Other Artists Considering this Show:
Among the claims for high attendance and the amount of money spent for advertising (where?) the reality is that the quantity and quality of attendees is low. Most are looking for a kids outing and free entertainment. See the FL Mosaic Facebook page for one person's comment that they took offense to vendors "selling" and appreciated "free" art.

Additional Commentary on this Show:
I want to return to this art show but I don't know that it will change. One important factor that may be keeping people away is the horrid construction on the interstates through Orlando. Kissimmee is south of Orlando.

Tess Dirienzo

My husband and I had attended twice; the first year they moved it to the college, it was on the lawn. Thankfully, I won an award, otherwise I made almost nothing in sales. We skipped it the following year, and tried it again the next. They moved it to the parking lot of the college, but otherwise nothing had changed - we experienced the same lack of attendance resulting in poor sales. There was a fair of some kind going on just down the road and a few people trickled in from that, looking for bargains as though it was flea market. I tried to talk to one of the show workers, but they had nothing to say in reply. My opinion is that the demographics of the surrounding area does not support the arts. I think they need to move the show back to where it used to be and funnel some of the award money towards advertising. We won't be back until they do.

lowell Hutchison

I too was a first timer this year. What a waste of time. No people, no sales.
The good thing was with no crowd I was able to meet and talk to other artists. Nice folks, and all I talked to will not be back. I won't either.

Michelle Harris

Show Name: Osceola Fine Arts Festival
City and State: kissimmee, FL
Your Medium: Jewelry
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show: 2012
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: $501-$2000
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show: 1st time
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 1 (poor)
Location: 1 (poor)
Facilities: 3
Ease of Participating: 4
Sales: 1 (poor)
Overall: 1 (poor)
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Poor
Estimated Attendance: under 500 people

Good Things about this Art Fair: Hardly anything. The artists breakfast was a nice spread. But that was it. Didn't win an award....and considering one of the jurors didn't even bother to come in my booth and introduce themselves (which is what they were required to do), let alone even look at my work up close, I didn't expect to win anything anyways....but it seemed to be a significant amount given out.

Bad Things about this Art Fair:
Obviously this show was once popular, and I could see that if it used to be at a downtown location. But it truly looks like they lost all their foot traffic since they moved on their current location. There were maybe 500 people through the entire weekend. And of those people, the majority were either older retirees just looking to get out for the day or poor college students (neither actually interested in buying anything). I ended up LOSING money on this. I've only had this happen one other time and it was a near identical situation. I just wished i would have checked the previous review before applying.

Serena David

Show Name: Osceola Art Festival
City and State: Kissimee, FL
Your Medium: Jewelry
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show: 2011
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: $501-$2000
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show: 1st time
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 1 (poor)
Location: 1 (poor)
Facilities: 2
Ease of Participating: 3
Sales: 1 (poor)
Overall: 1 (poor)
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Poor
Estimated Attendance: under 500 people

Good Things about this Art Fair: the only good thing about this fair is the prize money and the artist breakfast, some great art and well balanced but NO customers

Bad Things about this Art Fair: poor surrounding area, no customers, 80% of artists are first time, no-one returns unless they win a prize

Advice to Other Artists Considering this Show: don't do it unless you're local

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