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Joan Tweedell

Show Name: *Village at Winona Art Fair
City and State: *Winona Lake, IN
Your Medium: *Printmaking
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show: *2012
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: < $500
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show: *2-3 times
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 2
Location: 5 (great)
Facilities: 5 (great)
Ease of Participating: 4
Sales: 1 (poor)
Overall: 3
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Poor
Estimated Attendance: 501-10,000 people

Good Things about this Art Fair: Great artist amenities: free breakfast and box lunches both days, artist's dinner Sat. night, cooler full of ice and bottled water delivered to booth every day. Easy setup, beautiful surroundings in historic lakeside village.

Bad Things about this Art Fair: Sales. People were appreciative but sales were few and far between. I made only half of what I did here in 2011.

Advice to Other Artists Considering this Show: Don't travel too far for this show.

Joan Tweedell

Show Name: Art Fair at the Village at Winona
City and State: Winona Lake, IN
Your Medium: Printmaking
Year you most recently exhibited at this Show: 2011
Your Estimated Sales at this Show: $501-$2000
Number of Years You have Exhibited in this Show: 1st time
Attendance: (1 is poor, 5 is great) 2
Location: 4
Facilities: 5 (great)
Ease of Participating: 4
Sales: 1 (poor)
Overall: 3
Booth Fee vs. Your Sales Ratio: Good
Estimated Attendance: 1001-5000 people

Good Things about this Art Fair:
Great artist treatment, the best ever! Picturesque location, easy setup, not too expensive to do: (fee $80 + $15 jury fee + $25 "Transient Merchant's Fee" for out-of-town artists). Good quality art, roomy booth spaces.

Bad Things about this Art Fair:
Low traffic.

Advice to Other Artists Considering this Show:
Don't travel too far. (Winona Lake is northwest of Fort Wayne)

Additional Commentary on this Show:
I did not have high expectations for this show, since I had heard that sales were poor, but I am exhibiting a new body of work this year and wanted to use Winona as an easy warmup for the big shows to follow. I was happily surprised to make about 5 x my expenses (fee + gas etc.)

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